Here is a map of the Mt Diablo Meridian and Basline used in surveying that The Zodiac Killer place his button over the top which references geodetic mapping.
I have not checked any reference yet via the baseline. Ill have to do an overlay.
Here is the copper bolt for initial point cadastral boundary centralised reference which is more than likely where the piece of map ripped out by The Zodiac Killer was survey referenced from. Lt Col Norman Edwin Denning was responsible for the Mt Diablo (Devil Mountain) initial point meridian and baseline. Zodiacs spatial map, Phillips 66 petroleum map would have been created from this initial benchmark point. *Note the symbol of circle and cross aka crux of the initial point in reference Zodiacs ciphers and map denoting set to magnetic north (16.5 to 17 degrees magnetic declination). So, S = (R(map inches) * θ ); Zodiac has symbols through his encryption code
The Zodiac Phillips 66 map has a symbol over Mt Diablo (Spanish for Devil). Mt Diablo is the datum reference point for the map and the symbol over devil mountain is a surveyors symbol. The whole Phillips petroleum map would have been referenced around this cairn on Mt Diablo as someone with a theodolite could see this reference point from many places. This means Zodiac knows about how the map was made and has knowledge of surveying and how the early map was developed. The symbol on the map is directly referenced over the datum point with request to set the symbol at magnetic north. The symbol is that of a road surveyor or similar. Are his murders referenced to Devil Mountain datum reference point? These buttons he references are datum points. Devil mountain is the origin point of how the map was created. His buttons as he calls them can also be datum studs which are used to place the theodolite staff on. He may have been a civil engineer or ro...
Here the lines from Mt Diablo Initial Point, Dennings memorial. I haven't noted distance and angle yet. The Zodiacs bomb located proportionately to the calcs?
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